Agri Deptt Kashmir seizes 31 MTs & 6443 Ltrs of pesticides and 196 MTs fertilizers

SRINAGAR, JANUARY 25: To curb, eradicate the menace of illegal trade, misbranded products and misuse of agriculture inputs, different teams of enforcement agency, Agriculture department seized 31.105MTs (Metric tons) & 6442.75Ltrs of pesticides and 196MTs Fertilizers as of today during surprise inspections of insecticide, pesticides and fertilizer dealers/ distributors at various places across valley.

Speaking about the said initiative, Deputy Director Law enforcement Kashmir reiterated the departments’ commitment to ensure the availability of genuine inputs (fertilizers, pesticides seeds) to the farmers of the region. He said that violation of set norms would be dealt with strong hands.

He asked the concerned (fertilizers, pesticides dealers) to desist from indulging into the business of spurious unregistered inputs and ensure that only quality inputs are made available to the farmers.

The Deputy Director said that the quality of agriculture inputs plays a significant role in the overall success of the agriculture sector.


  1. What is the fun of publishing the news of spurios chemicals, when the name of the pesticides and the dealers is not made public

  2. अचानक निरीक्षण में बिना किसी प्रयोगशाला जांच के अधिकारियों ने यह कैसे तय किया होगा कि खाद व कीटनाशक ख़राब गुणवत्ता का है या नकली है।


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