Ziraat Times is Jammu & Kashmir’s first and only dedicated and leading print and digital media institution covering sustainable development, business and economy, with a particular focus on agriculture economy and climate change.
This institution is an independent, privately-funded initiative, and values its independence and commitment to providing an impartial platform for reporting, discussing and critically analyzing key sustainable development issues of Jammu & Kashmir and beyond. Its State of the Economy and Zar Zameen live programs feature grassroots farmers from diverse locations, business leaders and some of the most influential public policy makers.
In a short span of time, Ziraat Times has come to emerge as a reliable voice of farmers, entrepreneurs and businessmen and women of J&K, providing them a technology platform which has helped them to engage with state development institutions, access knowledge and information which was largely inaccessible, enhance public accountability and improve the production and living standards of the men and women associated with the agricultural economy of J&K.

Inaugurated on Ist March, 2018, Ziraat Times has a 24*7 online edition. Its print edition is published in English and Urdu once a week. Ziraat Times has an Advisory Committee, comprising of distinguished people from J&K. As a policy, the institution maintains complete transparency with regard to its finances with both its staff and the Advisory Committee.
Founder CEO: Arjimand Hussain Wani*
Managing Editor: Imtiyaz Ahmed Shah
Ziraat Times is registered with the Registrar of Newspapers in India (RNI), vide registration no. JKBIL/2019/77754
(*Arjimand Hussain is an international development professional, researcher and author who has worked in 16 countries across the globe for over 10 years, with some leading international organizations like UNESCO, WHO, ProVention Consortium (a World Bank affiliate), among other international development agencies)