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Former J&K Law Minister demands white paper on J&K’s financial health; rues delays in GP Fund payments

Ziraat Times News Network

Srinagar: Regretting the delayed release of GP Fund bills of government employees, former J&K Law Minister Syed Basharat Bukhari Tuesday demanded a white paper on financial health of the state and said if government was not able to pay employees their own “Savings” then it should declare a “Financial Emergency and stop beating the drums of bringing a “so called” revolution in J&K during the last five years.”
In a statement issued to media, the former minister wondered how any government on earth can deprive its employees of their own savings in the times of distress and extreme requirements?
“An employee entrusts the government with his savings in the form of a GP Fund, hoping that this earnings will come to his rescue at the time of distress or urgent need like medical  treatment, marriage of children or sending them away for higher studies. But look at the apathy of the present time government, these employees are being made to wait for months and even years for the release and ironically and disgustingly being paraded in the Secretariat”  claimed Mr. Bukhari .
 The former Law Minister said that this was against the ethics of Employee – Employer relationship and violated the fundamental rights of the employees. He further said if the government was so poor that it could not manage to return the own savings of the employees then it should stop the extravaganza spending on government functions, and bring austerity measures immediately.
He said crores of rupees are being spent unnecessarily on cutting ribbons and holding cultural shows whereas the poor employees are being made to face the brunt of these lavish spending. While wondering how the same employees get the loans from the bank so easily while struggling to secure the release of the GP Fund (which is their own hard earned money), Bukhari said this angle also needs to be probed or at least looked into.
He demanded a white paper from the LG administration on financial matters so that the actual financial status of J&K is known to the public.

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