JAMMU, MARCH 27: Chief Secretary, Atal Dullo, on Wednesday, had a detailed review of development of ‘Kisan Khidmat Ghar’ portal for Agriculture Production Department by BISAG-N in association with the NIC and IT Department of the Union Territory.
Apart from Principal Secretary, APD the meeting was attended by Commissioner Secretary, IT, MD, HADP, HoDs of Agriculture Department, representatives from SKUAST Jammu/Kashmir, J&K Bank and other concerned officers of the department.
During the meeting, the Chief Secretary held detailed deliberation over the services, applications and information to be made available over this multi-faceted web portal. He also asked for making it a ‘one stop solution’ for availing all kinds of agriculture/horticulture related activities.
The Chief Secretary also discussed the type of services to be taken onboard on this new portal. He had feedback from all the stakeholders including the officers, IT professionals, agricultural academia besides the bank representatives and BISAG engineers. It was given out in the meeting that the broad contours around which the portal is being designed inculcates Booking/Buying farm inputs/machinery, applying for scheme based incentives, introducing farmer support system, looking for sale/marketing of products, getting skilled and extension of credit support.
It was further added that currently the work on data collection/collation is going on along with developing of relevant content and other APIs for synchronizing it to make Kisan Khidmat Ghar a viable solution for all Agri related avenues and enterprises.